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The Crystal Ball

By Staci Stallings

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to see into the future?  Especially at
those times in life when the road forks, and you have no idea which
fork is the best choice.  You could choose X, and it could work out
marvelously-or it could be a total flop.  Or you could not choose X and wish
for the rest of your life you had.

 Recently I've found just such a crystal ball.  No, it doesn't
literally allow us to see into the future, but it does allow for the best
decision to be made at every fork in the road every single time.  What is
this crystal ball?  Where can you get one?

 Well, think for a moment.  If I had this crystal ball, what would you
be willing to pay for it?  Would it be worth ten dollars?  A hundred? 
A thousand?  Remember, it will unerringly tell you exactly what is the
best thing to do every single time.  Surely that would be worth a few
dollars in a trade.

 Now, what would you say if I told you that this crystal ball is
monetarily free.  That's right.  It costs nothing at all... However, it does
require something, and that something is giving up the control you
think you have over a situation.  It means giving up the notion that you
know what the best outcome in a situation is.  Here is reality:  You
don't.  You can't.  You don't have all of the information to know what is
the best outcome in a situation.

 But if you don't, then who does?  One name:  God.
Of course, God who is everywhere in all times and all moments knows. 
Why?  Because unlike you, he can see the whole picture.  He can see
every ramification of every possible decision in any given situation that
you can make.  In short, He can see with perfect clarity the choice you
should make.

 While listening to Bruce Wilkenson's excellent audio, "A Life God
Rewards," I heard one line that he really doesn't go on to discuss and
expand on.  It's more of a transition line pulling together two other
thoughts.  However, in that line, I realized a lesson that I had used but
hadn't put words to.  He said:

 "As the only person to come from eternity to earth and then return to
eternity, Jesus knows the whole truth-past, present, and future-and can
give you a one of a kind perspective," Wilkenson says. "For example, he
can see your present from a moment far out in your infinite future and
tell you exactly how to prepare for what is to come."

 Wow!  What an unbelievably crystal ball that is!  Think about it.  If
Jesus loves you beyond measure and He wants only what is best for you
in the long run (and that means the really long run of eternity),
doesn't it make sense to allow Him to guide your life?

 Unfortunately that's not how most of us pray.  We say things like,
"God, if you'll only let me get this job, then I'll be happy."  "God, I
just need a way to get to work.  I'll be perfectly happy with that
20-year-old Honda.  Please, if I can just have that..."  And God says, "Well,
okay, I really wanted to give you this brand new Lexus, but I want to
make you happy, so here's your Honda."

 What I'm suggesting here is a radical change in thinking.  Instead of
being outcome-specific in our prayers, wouldn't it be better to take
our hands off the wheel and let Jesus decide what's best for us?
True story, my first book had been in the hands of one company for
more than a year.  They had been promising during the course of that year
that it would be out "next month."  However, the "next months" had
strung together to make a year, and I was getting frustrated.  Throughout
the course of the year, I had gotten these little pushes that I was to
put out a second book with a different company, but I resisted.  I
didn't want two books out at the same time. I didn't want anyone in the
first company mad because I went with a second company.  In short, I was
paralyzed by a decision that could radically change my future, and I
wasn't at all sure which choice to make.

 So, I made a deal with God.  I basically told Him that I didn't know
what He wanted me to do, and I didn't want to make a mistake.  So if He
didn't want me to put out the second book, He needed to get someone
from company one to contact me in the next two weeks.  Then I put that
decision aside and went to work on other things.  When the deadline came,
I still hadn't heard anything, so I said, "Okay, 24 more hours, and
then I send it in." Still nothing.  So I sent the second book.  Two days later company one
emailed to give me a publicist.  When she later questioned the second
book, I said, "God made the decision not me." 

You know, I have never regretted that decision-even though it was highly unconventional.
I'm not saying you should go around giving God ultimatums.  I now
realize a simpler method is just to put every day in His hands.  Give Him
the reins of deciding what's most important for your time.  Then when
things work out, you know it was His will.  When things don't work out
like you expected, it was His will, and He has a better idea.
Then all you have to do is do your best, work as hard as you can, and
let Him make the decisions.  Pray only for guidance and for peace no
matter what happens, and I think you will be amazed at the number of
incredible answers that will start popping up in your life.

Copyright 2003 Staci Stallings

About the Author: Want more inspiration from Staci Stallings, the author of this
article? Staci's new book, "Reflections on Life" contains 52
soul-inspiring stories. Visit:  to see "Reflections" and Staci's new
inspirational novel, "Cowboy."  As always, you'll feel better for the experience.


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